Un peu sur moi

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Mario has worked in hospitality and catering for over 20 years. His vast experience in the industry is a perfect match to his fun and friendly nature. He’s travelled to about 82 different countries, and he’s a great storyteller. You know what a brilliant combination that is!
Mario started his career in London and worked in different types of bars and restaurants, and this has enabled him to learn from the best. He’s very happy to talk about cocktails as he’s spent a good 15 years making and creating them. He also lived in Dubai, where he had the opportunity to be in touch with even more different cultures and flavours, adding these elements to his baggage.
Lausanne became Mario’s home in 2018, where he continued with what he does best - working with bars, serving cocktails, and making people happy. Things took a different direction about one year later, though, when he suffered a road accident and was no longer able to carry on with his role. Four years of physiotherapy led Mario to decide it was time to run his own show. And Cocktail Chez Moi was the result.